Alumni Association

As a graduate of the Academy, the camaraderie you shared with fellow artists, designers, and innovators never fades – it thrives within our vibrant alumni association.  Academy alumni are leaders in their fields, making art that works all over the world. 

Whether you’ve just graduated or are a seasoned creative force, the Academy is your lifelong home for artistic growth and connection. Here, you’ll find job boards, networking opportunities, mentorship, and alumni services to help you grow your career.  

Haven’t joined the association yet? We warmly welcome you to this thriving creative ecosystem. Your unique perspective and talent are essential pieces of our vibrant community.

Join Us!
Register with the Alumni Association today.

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Job Board

Looking for a new gig? Curious about what opportunities are out there for people with your unique qualifications? The Academy is known for our strong connections to creative industries, and those connections are not just for current students. Our Alumni Job Board is the place to match your skills and expertise with exciting positions in dynamic companies and organizations. Search job listings, post your résumé, and more.

Alumni Services

Our Alumni Services department is available to all Academy alums, regardless of when you graduated. We’re to help you with résumé reviews, job applications, networking opportunities and connections and more. We also hold regular events and host guest speakers. Contact one of our alumni representatives to learn more.

Sign Up for our Alumni Newsletter

Image for the Facebook Group section

Get Social

Another great way to meet your fellow alums is by joining our Facebook Alumni Group. It’s an informal online gathering of Academy folks that offers a wonderful way to stay apprised of meetups, professional successes, and other alumni news. Make the social network work for you!

Follow our other channels:

Alumni Events

 Alumni Roundtable

July 17th at 5:30 PM PST

Monthly Newsletter

Another great way to stay connected with the Academy is through our monthly alumni newsletter. Learn about the latest developments and trends across creative industries. We feature exciting news from a wide range of alumni—share your achievements with us and we’ll feature your story!

images for the Monthly Newsletter section
image of Kristen Sanzari for the Featured Alumni Section

Kristen Sanzari

Mattel Senior Designer Kristen Sanzari uses the knowledge and skills she learned at the Academy’s School of Animation to create unique, engaging toys for popular brands such as Disney, Pixar, and more.

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